COMMERCIAL- VACANT LOT (Spill #2208239) is a program facility involved in a spill incident in NEW YORK recorded by the Division of Environmental Remediation of NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The contributing factor is Unknown. The inclident source is Commercial/Industrial. The spill occurred on October 6, 2022. The received date is January 6, 2023.
Spill Number | 2208239 |
Program Facility Name | COMMERCIAL- VACANT LOT |
Address | 2324 Second Ave New York |
County | New York |
Spiller Name | MARCHELLO |
Spiller Company | UNK |
Spiller Address | 2324 Second Ave New York NY 999 |
Contact Name | MARCHELLO |
Telephone | (631) 835-1188 |
SWIS Code | 3101 |
DEC Region | 2 |
Spill Date | 2022-10-06 |
Received Date | 2023-01-06 |
Contributing Factor | Unknown |
Source | Commercial/Industrial |
Reported By | Other |
Happened After Hours | False |
Material Name | unknown petroleum |
Material Family | Petroleum |
Meet Standards | False |
Penalty | False |
Federal UST Trust Eligible | False |
Remedial Phase | 1 |
Site ID | 647548 |
Program Type | ER |
Facility ID | 593724 |
Caller Remark | samples tested. low dectetion of vocs. |
DEC Remark | 1/6/23 - Ye - DDO - This is a City OER site, project 22TMP1291M. Preferred Environmental performed a Remedial Investigation on October 6, 2022, took 23 borings, and found impacted soil mostly 15-20 feet below ground surface (max PID 261 ppm). The lot has been vacant for some time, but used to be mixed use with commercial on floor level and residential above. They have not seen a Phase I but only initial geotech reports. They're currently preparing a report and provided OER contact for the reports: Miranda (212-788-8841). They are a subconsultant. Property Owner: 2324 2nd Ave LLC Site Contact (consultant): James Cervino Restoration & Conservation Advisement Group LLC (917) 620-5287 Duplicate spill #2208251 was called in later by James Cervino, who thought that OER had called in the spill. He will email the Phase II and initial geotechnical report. 3/29/23- Sekhon Site Location and Current Usage The Site is located at 2324 2nd Avenue in the East Harlem North section in New York and is identified as Block 1796 and Lot 2 on the New York City Tax Map. The Site is 1875-square feet and is bounded by a mixed-use property to the north, mixed-use properties and East 119th Street to the south, mixed-use properties to the east, and 2nd Avenue to the west. Currently, the Site is comprised of one (1) vacant asphalt-paved tax lot which is utilized for vehicle storage. The site is relatively flat with no notable elevation change. Summary of Proposed Redevelopment Plan The Site consists of a 25’ x 75’ vacant lot. The proposed development will consist of a 100’ tall 11-story multi-unit residential building with a footprint encompassing the entire lot. The proposed building will containing only residential uses with (22) residential rental units. The grade level use will be residential, containing the building’s lobby and two (2) residential units which extend down into the cellar. The cellar will require excavation approximately 7.9 feet feet below grade surface (ft bgs), with the rear cellar excavated to a depth of 6.23 feet bgs, which will extend to the southeastern most property line to accommodate the building’s mechanical equipment, as well as additional storage. An elevator pit at the northwestern portion of the main cellar will be extended to a depth of 12.9 feet bgs. During this Remedial Investigation, groundwater was measured at greater than 15 ft bgs, and as such excavation beneath the groundwater table is not anticipated. Based on the aforementioned excavation dimensions, it can be reasonably assumed that up to approximately 650 cubic yards (~970ns) of soil will be excavated as part of the proposed development. |
Create Date | 2023-01-06 |
Record Update Date | 2023-03-30 09:31:32.723000000 |
Street Address |
City | NEW YORK |
Address: 2324 Second Ave, Manhattan Spill Date: 2022-12-06 Contributing Factor: Unknown Material Name: other - high level svoc / voc |
Address: 721 Malcom V Blvd, New York Spill Date: 2022-04-11 Contributing Factor: Equipment Failure Material Name: diesel | ||||
Address: 655 West 160 St, New York Spill Date: 2022-05-15 Contributing Factor: Unknown Material Name: unknown petroleum | ||||
Address: 412 East 81, New York Spill Date: 2023-06-22 Contributing Factor: Tank Test Failure Material Name: #4 fuel oil | ||||
Address: 222 East Second St, New York Spill Date: 2021-10-08 Contributing Factor: Unknown Material Name: unknown petroleum | ||||
Address: 1345 Third Ave, New York Spill Date: 2023-03-15 Contributing Factor: Unknown Material Name: unknown material | ||||
Address: 355 East 88th St, New York Spill Date: 2021-12-17 Contributing Factor: Equipment Failure Material Name: #2 fuel oil | ||||
Address: 124 East 93 St, New York Spill Date: 2023-07-05 Contributing Factor: Unknown Material Name: unknown material | ||||
Address: 317 W 47th St, New York Spill Date: 2022-06-28 Contributing Factor: Deliberate Material Name: unknown petroleum | ||||
Address: 63 West 42 Apt 52f, New York Spill Date: 2022-12-02 Contributing Factor: Human Error Material Name: mercury | ||||
Address: 21 Stuyvesant Oval, New York Spill Date: 2022-08-08 Contributing Factor: Unknown Material Name: fuel | ||||
Find all facilities in the same city |
Address: 4778 Broadway, Manhattan Spill Date: 2017-04-24 Contributing Factor: Equipment Failure Material Name: unknown petroleum |
Address: 2894 Curry Rd, Colonie Spill Date: 2021-09-27 Contributing Factor: Equipment Failure Material Name: unknown petroleum |
Address: 5 French Rd, Cheektowaga Spill Date: 2018-09-12 Contributing Factor: Unknown Material Name: unknown petroleum |
Address: 359 West St, Manhattan Spill Date: 2013-04-08 Contributing Factor: Storm Material Name: motor oil |
Address: 831 Albany St, Schenectady Spill Date: 2020-07-28 Contributing Factor: Equipment Failure Material Name: unknown petroleum |
Address: 887 20 Queens Blvd, Queens Spill Date: 2020-02-19 Contributing Factor: Unknown Material Name: unknown petroleum |
Address: 247 East 136th Street, Bronx, 10473 Spill Date: 2007-02-05 Contributing Factor: Other Material Name: unknown petroleum |
Address: 872 Hudson Avenue, Corner of Avenue D, Rochester, 14621 Spill Date: 2007-02-21 Contributing Factor: Other Material Name: unknown petroleum |
Address: 23 - 28 Creek Dr, Beacon Spill Date: 2018-05-24 Contributing Factor: Unknown Material Name: unknown petroleum |
Address: 152 Grand St, Brooklyn Spill Date: 2015-06-24 Contributing Factor: Unknown Material Name: gasoline |
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This dataset includes about 500,000 chemical and petroleum spill incidents that are recorded in the Environmental Remediation Databases of NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). Petroleum and hazardous chemical spills that can impact the waters of the state must be reported by the spiller. Each recored is registered with spill number, facility program name, spill location, spill date, received date, contributing factor, waterbody, source, spilled material and quantity, etc.
Subject | Environment |
Jurisdiction | State of New York |
Data Provider | NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Division of Environmental Remediation |
Source | |
Under State law, petroleum and hazardous chemical spills that can impact the waters of the state must be reported by the spiller (and, in some cases, by anyone who has knowledge of the spills). This dataset contains records of spills of petroleum and other hazardous materials. Every year, DEC receives approximately 15,000 reports of confirmed or suspected releases to the environment. Approximately ninety percent of those releases involve petroleum products. The rest involve various hazardous materials, unknown materials, or other substances such as untreated sewage and cooking grease. Accidental releases of petroleum and/or other hazardous materials occur throughout New York State. Even small releases have the potential to endanger public health and contaminate groundwater, surface water, and soils.
Environmental damage from such releases depends on the material spilled, the quantity spilled and the extent of contamination. Many of these reports are releases of small quantities, typically a few gallons that are contained and cleaned up quickly with little or no damage to the environment. In other instances, material releases may seep through the soil and eventually into the groundwater, which can make water supplies unsafe to drink. Vapors from spilled materials may also collect in houses and businesses, creating potential indoor air health concerns or fire/explosion hazards. Uncontained spills, especially those that impact surface water, can kill or injure plants, fish, and wildlife, and cause damage to their habitats. Federal and State laws require prompt reporting of petroleum and other hazardous material releases to allow quick response. DEC responds to reports through the Spill Response Program. Both immediate response and continued cleanup vary depending on the type of material spilled and the resulting impacts to the environment. Federal and State law require the spiller, or responsible party, to notify government agencies and to contain, clean up, and dispose of any spilled/contaminated material in order to correct any environmental damage. This cleanup is typically undertaken by a qualified contractor hired by the responsible party. Any delay in containing or recovering a release allows contaminants to spread and may result in more extensive damage and more expensive cleanups. If the responsible party is unable or unwilling to do the necessary work, DEC will use its staff and contractors to complete the cleanup and seek to recover its costs from the responsible party. DEC can provide additional resources to local agencies during emergencies and will remain involved if continued cleanup of the environment is required. Continued cleanup is the responsibility of the spiller and is required if contamination and environmental damage remain after the initial containment and recovery. Continued cleanup may include determining the extent of contamination, selecting a cleanup technology, and completing remedial actions. DEC oversees the process to ensure the actions are protective of public safety, health and the environment pursuant to Article 12 Section 176 of the Navigation Law and regulations developed under Article 37 Section 105 of the ECL (i.e., 6NYCRR Parts 596-599).
This dataset includes records of spills of petroleum and other hazardous materials. Examples of what may be included in a spill record includes: Administrative information (DEC region and unique seven-digit spill number), Program facility name, Spill date/time, Location, Spill source and cause, Material(s) and material type spilled, Quantity spilled and recovered, Units measured, Surface water bodies affected, Close date (cleanup activity finished and all paperwork completed).
To give New Yorkers the access they deserve to government data and information, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo launched the Open NY initiative in March 2013 and signed Executive Order 95. It directs state agencies to identify, catalog, and publish their data on the state's open data website administered by the Office of Information Technology Services (ITS). Open NY increases transparency, improves government performance, empowers New Yorkers to participate in government, and encourages research and economic opportunities statewide.